Music producer and Love & Hip Hop ex-jailbird Mendecees Harris was released from prison this past February after serving over five years of his eight-year sentence. Though his relationship with his wife, Yandy Smith, appeared to be an excellent example of unconditional Black love, fans are now dragging Harris for recent comments. While discussing his time in prison, Harris shockingly revealed he doesn’t know if he’d be able to hold her down if the roles were reversed.
The couple sat down for the awkward exchange on a recent episode of VH1’s Couples Retreat. Smith discussed how she dealt with Harris’s time in prison and how it made her insecure.
“I feel like when I was locked up he was locked up,” she admitted on the show.
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After Smith detailed her experience, claiming she “did a damn good job.”
She continued, “I say that to you all the time, like ‘If the roles were reversed, would you hold me down?”
Not offering the answer his wife had hoped, Harris said, “If the shoes was on the other foot, I don’t know what I would be able to do.”
“Hmm, and that’s a problem,” Smith replied.
Social media quickly caught wind of the video clip and proceeded to go in on Harris, dragging him for not being a supportive partner.
One fan, suggesting a double standard, tweeted, “Not Mendeecees talking about he don’t know if he would hold Yandy down like she did…. with the exception of Papoose… a lot of men will never be as loyal; as women smh.”
Not Mendeecees talking about he don’t know if he would hold Yandy down like she did…. with the exception of Papoose… a lot of men will never be as loyal as women smh
— Lex✨ (@heyylexilex) April 27, 2021
Mendeecees really could have just lied omg
— You smell like hospital (@j0nahmitchell) April 28, 2021
Yandy held Mendeecees down for 9 seasons of love and hip hop just for him to tell her he wouldn’t have done the same .. men are despicable
— kilolo ?? (@simplykeyauna) April 28, 2021
“Yandy held Mendeecees down for years. Just to say he don’t know if he would’ve done the same. The jokes gone always write themselves,” another viewer tweeted about the Couples Retreat clip.
Yandy held Mendeecees down for years. Just to say he don’t know if he would’ve done the same. The jokes gone always write themselves.
— keely…? (@_kcole) April 28, 2021
Mendeecees is a prime example of why u don’t stop living your life when a man goes to jail. You don’t gotta be intimate w/ nobody but live your life . Go on vacation, go to parties hang with your friends. cause if the shoe was on the other foot he’s gonna have him a good time.
— natalie (@_nataliej__) April 27, 2021
Following the backlash online, Harris spoke out on Wednesday in an attempt to clear the air. Claiming he never said that he wouldn’t hold her down, the television personality wrote on Instagram, “What I meant was: you don’t know what you’ll do until are in that situation and they become [your] circumstances and you figure it out.”
Let us know your opinion in the comments: Do you think he’s a disloyal partner or was he simply being honest?